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Blackmore, K. (2018). Video becomes us: Cinema. [Online Series Episode]. Retrieved from


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Call Me By Your Name (2017). [Motion Picture]. Guadagnino, L.  (Director). 


Caravaggio (1986). [Motion Picture]. Jarman, D. (Director).


Carol (2015). [Motion Picture]. Haynes, T.  (Director). 


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Edward II (1991). [Motion Picture]. Jarman, D. (Director).


Eisenstein, S. (2010). In Glenny, M. and Taylor, R. (Eds.). Towards a theory of montage (Volume II). London, UK: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd. 


ELAGABALUS (2019). [Short Film]. Dobbie, X. (Director). 


ELAGABALUS (2019). [Short Film Script]. Herriman, S (Scriptwriter). Dobbie, X. and Herriman, S. (Story by). 


Halberstam, J. (2005). In a queer time & place; Transgender bodies, subcultural lives, New York, NY: New York University Press.


Halperin, D. M. (1995). Saint Foucault: Towards a gay hagiography, New York, USA: Oxford University Press.


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Poison (1991), [Motion Picture], Haynes, T. (Director).  


Rich, B. R. (2013). New queer cinema: The director’s cut, North Carolina, USA: Duke University Press.


Richardson, N. (2009). The queer cinema of Derek Jarman, New York, USA: I.B. Taurus & Co Ltd.


Romeo and Juliet (1996). [Motion Picture]. Luhrmann, B. (Director). 


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Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987). [Motion Picture]. Haynes, T. (Director).


TERROR NULLIUS (2018), [Motion Picture], Soda_Jerk (Directors). 


The Babadook (2014). [Motion Picture]. Kent, J. (Director). 


The Danish Girl (2015). [Motion Picture]. Hooper, T. (Director).  


The Holy Mountain (1973). [Motion Picture]. Jodorowsky, A. (Director).


The Mission (1986). [Motion Picture]. Joffe, R. (Director). 

© 2019 by Xanthe Dobbie

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